Suri & William Visit Yazd
Whilst Suri was visiting family in Tehran last month she and William made a trip south to Yazd.
The following are some of the pictures taken during that visit. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
A fire engine dampens down the dust in the mud castle area.
This a view of the old mud castle, the people in front are replicating the mud building process as part of a competition.
Here William chats to one of the competitors, who is also a friend of his.
This is a view of the front entrance to a bazaar, but there is nothing behind it ... yet!!!
A view of two minarets.
This is a water cooling building where cool air circulates and collects the water, as Yazd is a very hot place for most of the year.
This the traditional wrestling arena in Yazd, where wrestlers juggle these very heavy wooden weights.
This an old public bath, that has been converted into a restaurant and coffee shop.