Gambia 2 weeks in the sunSue, Alan and I went for a relaxing break on the West Coast of Africa - see link for review of hotel - Badala Park 21st Feb - 7th March 2009
A roadside stop for a drink in the middle of nowhere on our Jeep trip to Senegal.

Sue and Alan took some pens for schoolchildren - here one of the schoolgirls showed her appreciation

Sue and Alan check out the local "weed" - a cash crop for the locals on this island in Senegal.

Underneath a famous Gambian tree at the entrance to Lamin Lodge.

Posing at the border of Gambia and Senegal.

Monkeying about at Ali Baba's restaurant.

Beach view close to our hotel - the sand and sea was just great .

School - end of term party on the beach - 100's of teenagers gathered to celebrate - dancing to drums and generally mingling.

Guess what we saw in Monkey Park - yep monkeys - but only a few as most of them had wandered over to the nearby hotel for some food and drink - left out by tourists staying there.

Our boat trip along the mangroves - a very hot day.

Smoked fish - in Senegal - I can not describe the smell - needless to say we passed by pretty quick.

The Main strip in Senagambia.

Canoeing up the creek - fortunately for us we had two oarsmen to do all of the hard work.

The approach over the mangroves at Lamin Lodge where we had dinner I had Oyster stew - highly recommended - and picked locally.

Enjoying a meal and an occasional drink in the evening in Senagambia