This 'n' that
Came across this pic the other day, I know how Emma loves having her photo taken so I thought i'd post it forall to see.
As you can see Sue and Emma are real proud of Colin as he passed out in 2003. ... ( he usually passes out in another way.)
If you was wondering what the map was at the bottom of the blog - its a pictorial / graphical representation of my travels throughout the world - as you can see there's an awfull lot more to see - still the next one is not too far away as we will be in Korea for three weeks during the early part of October, so I will then add that to the map - hope you like the idea of the map.
David is arranging the accomadation - the first week at least, as we will be with him that week, 'cos he has most of the week off work, after that we will be travelling around - it's great planning which place to visit.
I was stopped the other day and asked the way to somewhere here in London.
As I answered she asked, are you from Yorkshire? - I thought I had lost much of my accent, but apparantly not - she was from Brighouse, which is next door to Halifax - where I was born 'n' bred - small world really - it reminded me to be proud of my accent.
All this business about Gordon Brown, don't people remember he's the guy that robbed all of our pension schemes by taxing them by about £5b a year and that's for about 8 or 9 years now so a quick bit of maths says it all.
argh .. "frying pan into the fire" comes to mind.
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