Sunday, June 13, 2010

SWEDEN part 2 

Here we have a few pictures taken with Suri's family.

Ahmad at his home in Stockholm.

Farzaneh with Mr Beam

More of Mr Beam after his shower

Trying a little Hubbly Bubbly

Fariba showing how it should be done.

Farzaneh and Ahmad under the glow of the outside heaters at a restaurant in Stockholm.

Fariba and Suri posing for the camera.

Kio, Miline, Nick and Som taking a well earned rest after a short hike.

Lunch outside at Kio's Summer retreat - a wonderful place.

Checking out the lake near to the Summer House.

Time for tea.

Checking out the view.

Bedtime stories for Nick and Som in their home town of Goteburg.

Karim in his home town of Eskilstuna

 Karim and Hamir

Lunch outside the Kebab shop in Vastaras.

 Karim enjoys a cigar whilst we relax with coffee and cake.

Dinna and Suri chat as we wander along the streets.

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